Friday, June 20, 2008

Smartypants now has a blog!!!!

This is what our night is like. Sometimes we wish that we could send a video of the production of our knits. There's baby Audrey eating the wool as we knit. Annie, my cousin, an amazing artist, embroidering new designs and getting excited about an owl that she sketched on a scrap of paper four years ago! My Mom, just home from teaching a day in Kindergarten gets told that I am stocking in an hour so could she please make a few drawstrings! And me, nursing, changing dipes and knitting all day long. Except when I'm over at Annies making new dipes for Audrey, or when I'm standing on a chair changing up the snaps on a goodmama. Can you explain to anyone who does not use cloth that you CHANGED the snaps on a diaper??
So we did a funny stocking today. Interupted by a visit from Audrey's Dad and her Nana, and wth us wishing that we had better light to take pictures.
We're looking into making a light box. It's a funny business. We started making things for Audrey, before she was born. Had some needles a few balls of wool and made up patterns. Then we bought a load of wool from a store in Toronto and some new needles from a Mamma on DS. Then we got a wholesale account, and bought more wool. Then we bought some koolaid and started dying, that progressed to acid dye and we got really excited about making our own colours. A swift and a ball winder should be arriving next week. The business is slowly taking over the living room and often even the kitchen when it's dye day.
Here is our inspiration in her first longies and the soaker she wears today!

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